SONAM: Hello Adam I am really happy to have you on my blog please introduce yourself to our readers. ADAM: Hey everyone, I'm Adam, and I'm thrilled to have this chance to get tell you about myself and my book! This book has been one of my quickest writes, less than two months from start to finish, and I think it's one of my best. It's actually one of the good things to come out of quarantine; I've had time to sit and work on my writing! Usually I'm pretty wrapped up in, you know. Life. Work. All the things that tie up time. Anyways, let's talk! SONAM: Tell us about your book.
ADAM: The Road to the Stars is the second volume of The Cassidy Chronicles. It opens five years later. Both ladies - Aiyana Cassidy, know to everyone as Cass, and her wife, Kendra Cassidy - have spent the time pursuing dreams, some personal (adding children to their family) and some aspirational (Cass and her teleporter; Kendra and her starship). An external, existential threat to all of Earth's humanity from the breakaway colonies spurs them to take more wide-ranging action. Kendra's dream of a Star Trek-esque reality is pushed into prominence, as it seems the best hope for humanity's future. But the future won't come without a cost, and Kendra especially will have to decide if she's willing to pay it. SONAM: How do you cope with all the changes and stay on the edge?
ADAM: For me it's a matter of NOT grinding away at things. If I'm not able to write, I won't try to force it. I'll take a break, play a game, listen to music, read a book. Mow the lawn, play with the dogs, cook a meal - there's always something to do to restore the passion.
SONAM: Adam what made you write this book?
ADAM: I wrote the first book in the series as a standalone book; the story was supposed to wrap up and the characters go off and live their lives. There's even an epilogue with a brief 'What happened to...?' section. But there were a few little niggling things, a few loose ends... Then I started another book. The first try was good writing, a good character, but I didn't have her story. I didn't know where to take her, so I put it aside. I started again, and it was better. Global catastrophe approaching, desperate measures needed, but there was something missing. After banging my head on the desk for a few days, I realized what it was: it was set in the wrong universe! See, I'd started world-building another possible future when I had a perfectly good one sitting right there (Volume 1). So, a few tweaks, a couple references, and it was woven into the Cassidy universe, and the story flowed from there. I'd say, then, that what made me write this book? And is making me write the next one? The Cassidys have more stories to tell me. They're not done yet, so until they are, until I tell all their tales, I'm going to be playing in their universe. SONAM: What does your family think of your writing?
ADAM: My wife is my biggest fan. She's been amazingly supportive through this journey, given me good suggestions, and kept me grounded. She's not a huge fan of the time that writing takes me away from her, but we've more or less managed to work out a balance. SONAM: Now we are towards the end of this interview so lastly, do you wanna say something to your audience?
ADAM: Whatever you do in life, whatever you have to do to put bread on the table, do NOT ever give up on your dreams! Even if it doesn't seem possible, or achievable, don't give up! You may never reach your dream, but that doesn't make it invalid, or less important!. It's the journey. And if you do achieve your dream? Dream some more!